How To Utilize Some of the Arduino SDK Commands

Driving - Drive with Raw Motors

#include <SpheroRVR.h> void setup() { // set up communication with the RVR rvr.configUART(&Serial); } void loop() { // reset the heading to zero rvr.resetYaw(); // drive forward with speed 64 on both motors rvr.rawMotors(RawMotorModes::forward, 64, RawMotorModes::forward, 64); delay(1000); // drive backward with speed 32 on both motors rvr.rawMotors(RawMotorModes::reverse, 32, RawMotorModes::reverse, 32); delay(1000); // drive backward with speed 64 on the left motor and forward with speed 64 on the right motor rvr.rawMotors(RawMotorModes::reverse, 64, RawMotorModes::forward, 64); delay(1000); // drive forward with speed 64 on both motors rvr.rawMotors(RawMotorModes::forward, 64, RawMotorModes::forward, 64); delay(1000); // turn both motors off rvr.rawMotors(RawMotorModes::off, 0, RawMotorModes::off, 0); delay(1000); } 

Drive With Heading

#include <SpheroRVR.h> void setup() { // set up communication with the RVR rvr.configUART(&Serial); } void loop() { // reset the heading to zero rvr.resetYaw(); // drive forward with speed 64 rvr.driveWithHeading(64, 0, static_cast<uint8_t>(DriveFlags.none)); delay(1000); // drive forward with speed 64 rvr.driveWithHeading(64, 0, static_cast<uint8_t>(DriveFlags.none)); delay(1000); // drive backward with speed 32 rvr.driveWithHeading(32, 0, static_cast<uint8_t>(DriveFlags.driveReverse)); delay(1000); // drive to the right with speed 64 rvr.driveWithHeading(64, 90, static_cast<uint8_t>(DriveFlags.none)); delay(1000); // drive to the left with speed 64 rvr.driveWithHeading(64, 270, static_cast<uint8_t>(DriveFlags.none)); delay(1000); // stop driving rvr.driveWithHeading(0, 270, static_cast<uint8_t>(DriveFlags.none)); delay(1000); } 

Drive with Helper

#include <SpheroRVR.h> static DriveControl driveControl; void setup() { // set up communication with the RVR rvr.configUART(&Serial); // get the RVR's DriveControl driveControl = rvr.getDriveControl(); } void loop() { // reset the heading to zero driveControl.setHeading(0); // drive forward with speed 64 driveControl.rollStart(0, 64); delay(1000); // drive forward with speed 64 driveControl.rollStart(0, 64); delay(1000); // drive to the right with speed 64 driveControl.rollStart(90, 64); delay(1000); // drive to the left with speed 64 driveControl.rollStart(270, 64); delay(1000); // stop driving driveControl.rollStop(270); delay(1000); } 

Drive with Raw Motors with Helper

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static DriveControl driveControl;

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR


    // get the RVR's DriveControl

    driveControl = rvr.getDriveControl();


void loop() {

    // reset the heading to zero



    // drive forward with speed 64 on both motors

    driveControl.setRawMotors(rawMotorModes::forward, 64, rawMotorModes::forward, 64);



    // drive backward with speed 32 on both motors

    driveControl.setRawMotors(rawMotorModes::reverse, 32, rawMotorModes::reverse, 32);



    // drive backward with speed 64 on the left motor and forward with speed 64 on the right motor

    driveControl.setRawMotors(rawMotorModes::reverse, 64, rawMotorModes::forward, 64);



    // drive forward with speed 64 on both motors

    driveControl.setRawMotors(rawMotorModes::forward, 64, rawMotorModes::forward, 64);



    // turn both motors off

    driveControl.setRawMotors(rawMotorModes::off, 0, rawMotorModes::off, 0);




Set Multiple LEDs

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static uint32_t ledGroup;

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR



    // setting up the led group for both headlights

    ledGroup = 0;

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightRed));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightGreen));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightBlue));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::leftHeadlightRed));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::leftHeadlightGreen));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::leftHeadlightBlue));


void loop() {

    // set headlights to red and wait 1 second

    uint8_t redArray[] = {0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, redArray, sizeof(redArray) / sizeof(redArray[0]));



    // set headlights to blue and wait 1 second

    uint8_t blueArray[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, blueArray, sizeof(blueArray) / sizeof(blueArray[0]));



    // set headlights to green and wait 1 second

    uint8_t greenArray[] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, greenArray, sizeof(greenArray) / sizeof(greenArray[0]));



    // set headlights to yellow and wait 1 second

    uint8_t yellowArray[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, yellowArray, sizeof(yellowArray) / sizeof(yellowArray[0]));



Set Multiple LEDs with Helper

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static LedControl ledControl;

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR



    // get the RVR's LedControl

    ledControl = rvr.getLedControl();


void loop() {

    // set up the array of led indexes for both headlights

    uint8_t ledIndexes[] = {static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightRed),






    // set headlights to red and wait 1 second

    uint8_t redBrightnessValues[] = {0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, redBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));



    // set headlights to blue and wait 1 second

    uint8_t blueBrightnessValues[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, blueBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));



    // set headlights to green and wait 1 second

    uint8_t greenBrightnessValues[] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, greenBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));



    // set headlights to yellow and wait 1 second

    uint8_t yellowBrightnessValues[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, yellowBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));



Set Single LED

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static uint32_t ledGroup;

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR



    // setting up the led group for the right headlight

    ledGroup = 0;

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightRed));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightGreen));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightBlue));


void loop() {

    // set right headlight to red and wait 1 second

    uint8_t redArray[] = {0xFF, 0x00, 0x00};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, redArray, sizeof(redArray) / sizeof(redArray[0]));



    // set right headlight to blue and wait 1 second

    uint8_t blueArray[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, blueArray, sizeof(blueArray) / sizeof(blueArray[0]));



    // set right headlight to green and wait 1 second

    uint8_t greenArray[] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x00};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, greenArray, sizeof(greenArray) / sizeof(greenArray[0]));



    // set right headlight to yellow and wait 1 second

    uint8_t yellowArray[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00};

    rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, yellowArray, sizeof(yellowArray) / sizeof(yellowArray[0]));



Set Single LED with Helper

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static LedControl ledControl;

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR



    // get the RVR's LedControl

    ledControl = rvr.getLedControl();


void loop() {

    // set up the array of led indexes for the right headlight

    uint8_t ledIndexes[] = {static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightRed),




    // set right headlight to red and wait 1 second

    uint8_t redBrightnessValues[] = {0xFF, 0x00, 0x00};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, redBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));



    // set right headlight to blue and wait 1 second

    uint8_t blueBrightnessValues[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, blueBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));



    // set right headlight to green and wait 1 second

    uint8_t greenBrightnessValues[] = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x00};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, greenBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));



    // set right headlight to yellow and wait 1 second

    uint8_t yellowBrightnessValues[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00};

    ledControl.setLeds(ledIndexes, yellowBrightnessValues, sizeof(ledIndexes) / sizeof(ledIndexes[0]));




Get Battery State

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static void getBatteryVoltageStateCallback(GetBatteryVoltageStateReturn_t *batteryVoltageStateReturn);

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR



    // give RVR time to wake up



    // get the battery voltage state



void loop() {

    // must include this line if expecting a response from the RVR



static void getBatteryVoltageStateCallback(GetBatteryVoltageStateReturn_t *batteryVoltageStateReturn)


    // put your code here to run when you get the battery voltage state


Get Battery State Notifications

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static void batteryVoltageStateChangeNotifyCallback(BatteryVoltageStateChangeNotifyReturn_t *batteryVoltageStateChangeReturn);

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR



    // enable notifications for battery voltage state changes

    rvr.enableBatteryVoltageStateChangeNotify(true, batteryVoltageStateChangeNotifyCallback);


void loop() {

    // must include this line if expecting a response from the RVR



static void batteryVoltageStateChangeNotifyCallback(BatteryVoltageStateChangeNotifyReturn_t *batteryVoltageStateChangeReturn)


    // put your code here to run when you get a battery voltage state change notification


Sleep Monitoring

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static void willSleepNotifyCallback(bool isSuccessful);

static void didSleepNotifyCallback(bool isSuccessful);

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR


    // set up the callback function for "will sleep" notifications



    // set up the callback function for "did sleep" notifications



void loop() {

    // must include this line if expecting a response from the RVR



static void willSleepNotifyCallback(bool isSuccessful)


    // put your code here to run when you get a "will sleep" notification


static void didSleepNotifyCallback(bool isSuccessful)


    // put your code here to run when you get a "did sleep" notification



Get Main App Version

#include <SpheroRVR.h>

static void getMainApplicationVersionCallback(GetMainApplicationVersionReturn_t *getMainApplicationVersionReturn);

void setup() {

    // set up communication with the RVR



    // give RVR time to wake up



    // get the main application version for the Nordic processor

    rvr.getMainApplicationVersion(static_cast<uint8_t>(Processors::nordic), getMainApplicationVersionCallback);


void loop() {

    // must include this line if expecting a response from the RVR



static void getMainApplicationVersionCallback(GetMainApplicationVersionReturn_t *getMainApplicationVersionReturn)


    // setting up the led group for both headlights

    uint32_t ledGroup = 0;

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightRed));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightGreen));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::rightHeadlightBlue));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::leftHeadlightRed));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::leftHeadlightGreen));

    ledGroup |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(LEDs::leftHeadlightBlue));


    if (getMainApplicationVersionReturn->minor >= 1)


        // set headlights to yellow if the y value in version x.y.z is 1 or greater

        uint8_t rgbArray[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00};

        rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, rgbArray, sizeof(rgbArray) / sizeof(rgbArray[0]));




        // set headlights to pink if the y value in version x.y.z is less than 1

        uint8_t rgbArray[] = {0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF};

        rvr.setAllLeds(ledGroup, rgbArray, sizeof(rgbArray) / sizeof(rgbArray[0]));

